Jesse Screed
My honest opinion ? you could be dangerous if you found cats that could not only play .
It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. I think this is the first time you have commented on one of my tunes. I have been waiting a long time for that. I wonder if the parts you didn't like are the same ones I didn't like. We'll probably never know.
Screed the Jesse Q
Yeah sure , I think I'm in agreement with you on the whole finding the right players VS a Camel passing through the eye of the needle thing
One would think that with everybody having DAW's it would be so much easier to find and collab with fresh talent
It seems I have found the opposite to ring true in my case for what ever reason
Anyway I meant dangerous in a good way ....
As far as you feeling that I should have commented on some of your previous songs ?
I would not personalize that
I haven't been around on the songs forum for almost 10 months the past before that time away I had no problem listening and commenting on peoples songs whether I had one of my own up or not ...
When I was around much more regular yes , I do remember you have commented on a song or two of mine
I also know that I did not repay the favor ..sure your feelings would seem justified ...the thing is I don't have a thing against you or your music on any level .
In truth I am much more comfortable with commenting on instrumental music ...this is not a secret , anyone that has been around here for a cup of coffee or two can easily confirm that for you ...
I don't sing at all , it is very rare that I get to do projects with vocals and in many ways I haven't kept up with what the younger folks that are doing music today consider to be a hip sounding vocal or singing style ....
If you think I'm not being fair with you just take the bull by the horns and send me a PM ...
I will get back to you