OK I figured it out. There's a controller called "RPN: 0" that appears at the start of each MIDI clip that apparently Dim Pro can't handle. I have to do these steps:
1.) Import the MIDI to plain old MIDI tracks
2.) Delete the "RPN: 0" events from each MIDI clip
3.) Instantiate Dim Pro (or other synths)
4.) Move the clips to the instruments you want them on, or otherwise route the MIDI tracks to the instruments.
If you route a track to a Dimension Pro instance and start playback, and if Dim Pro processes that controller, then the synth is "tainted" and won't play anything back.
RPN: 0 has a range of 0-16383 (14 bits). The Finale MIDI has a value set in the 1900-2000 range, and it's different for every track. I have done almost no experimenting to figure out what it does to Dimension Pro but at this point I don't care. It works.
Seems like it's either a bug in Dim Pro because no other instruments have this problem, or Dim Pro is the only instrument on earth that processes the event correctly and it's a bug in Finale. I'd have to go with the former.