"So, I'm wondering how do you guys record?"
My M.O.
i typically use the DAW just like a tape recorder.
i'm going for captured performances, and rarely use it as an 'arrangement' tool.
i work out arrangements the old fashioned way, on paper, or thru practice, or by doing demos.
sometimes i use live drums, sometimes i program them in Superior Drummer...
but typically the drums are recorded first, and completely arranged in advance.
then i multitrack (overdub) the parts, track by track.
usually, guitars, both rhythm and solo, are recorded from beginning to end.
Bass, is usually a single long performance, from beginning to end.
i'm not as adept at keys, so i'll do those performances usually a verse, chorus or bridge at the time, punching in on the same continuous track typically, but sometimes going to a 2nd or 3rd track, if i want them to overlap while mixing.
Vocals, are sometimes inspired, and i'll forego punching in to fix mistakes, for getting a vibe instead....and just go for a complete take.
but more times than not, i will punch in vocals line by line..... and then do the same thing for every harmony.
now sometimes i write, and am not sure of arrangement.. usually during the 'demo' phase....
so i will set up the metronome, and have it play a simple kick drum and snare drum, looped endlessly, and i'll record over that, and setting the snap controls for entire measures at a time, i'll cut and paste sections and move them around, in time, and 'invent' new arrangements, all the while knowing i'll go back later and write a proper drum part for the new arrangement.
maybe, i'll mix down a quick version of the final chopped up arrangement, live with it for a while, then start from scratch on a new file, with the whole thing realized in full from the beginning.