My long (and I'm not whistlin dixie) list follows, but for a short list, get everything you can find from the following authors and editors:
Barry Blesser, Bob Katz, Bruce and Jenny Bartlett, Don & Carolyn Davis, Douglas Self, F. Alton Everest, Francis Rumsey, Glen M. Ballou, Harry F Olson, Henry Ott, Herman Helmoholtz, Jeff Cooper, Jim Williams, John Linsley Hood, John M. Eargle, John Prohs, John Watkinson, Ken C. Pohlmann, Leo L. Beranek, Lou Burroughs, Martin Colloms, Michael Rettinger, Paul Horowitz & Winfield Hill, Philip Giddings, Philip Newell, Ralph Morrison, Robert Runstein, Walter G. Jung, William M. Moylan
OK, start with Giddings, Newell, Cooper, Ott, and Davis...
------------------ long list starts here -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Ray Alden Advanced Speaker Designs for the Hobbyist & Technician
- Robert E. Apfel Deaf Architects and Blind Acousticians? A Guide to the Principles of Sound Design
- John Backus Acoustical Foundations of Music, The
- Glen M. Ballou Handbook for Sound Engineers
- Bruce and Jenny Bartlett Practical Recording Techniques, Third Edition
- J. E. Benson Theory & Design of Loudspeaker Enclosures
- Leo L. Beranek Concert Halls and Opera Houses: Music, Acoustics, and Architecture
- Leo L. Beranek Music, acoustics & architecture
- Jens Blauert, John S. Allen Spatial Hearing: The Psychophysics of Human Sound Localization
- Barry Blesser Spaces Speak, Are You Listening
- John Borwick Loudspeaker and Headphone Handbook
- Lou Burroughs Microphones: Design and Application
- W. Cavanaugh, J. Wilkes Architectural Acoustics : Principles and Practice
- Martin Colloms High Performance Loudspeakers
- Jeff Cooper Building A Recording Studio
- James P. Cowan (editor) Architectural Acoustics Design Guide
- Trevor J. Cox & Peter D'Antonio Acoustic Absorbers and Diffusers: Theory, Design, and Application
- Don & Carolyn Davis How to Design and Build Loudspeaker and Listening Enclosures
- Gary Davis, Ralph Jones Sound Reinforcement Handbook
- Don & Carolyn Davis Sound System Engineering, 1st & 2nd Editions
- Don Davis, Eugene Patronis Sound System Engineering, Third Edition
- Vance Dickason Loudspeaker Design Cookbook
- A. James Diefenderfer Principles of Electronic Instrumentation, Third Edition
- John M. Eargle Loudspeaker Handbook
- John M. Eargle The Microphone Book
- M. David Egan Architectural Acoustics
- F. Alton Everest How to Build A Small Budget Recording Studio From Scratch : With 12 Tested Designs
- F. Alton Everest Master Handbook of Acoustics 4th Edition, The
- F. Alton Everest Sound Studio Construction on a Budget
- Jeffrey A. Forsburg Building Pro Audio Loudspeaker Enclosures
- Rod Gervais Home Recording Studio: Build it Like The Pros
- Philip Giddings Audio Systems Design and Installation
- Herman Helmoholtz On the Sensations of Tone
- John Linsley Hood Audio Electronics
- John Linsley Hood Valve & Transistor Audio Amplifiers
- Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill The Art of Electronics
- Walter G. Jung Audio Op-Amp Cookbook
- Bob Katz Mastering Audio: The Art and the Science
- Heinrich Kuttruff Room Acoustics
- Don Lancaster Active Filter Cookbook
- Christopher Morfey Dictionary of Acoustics
- Ralph Morrison Grounding and Shielding Techniques
- William M. Moylan The Art of Recording: The Creative Resources of Music Production and Audio
- William M. Moylan The Art of Recording: Understanding and Crafting the Mix
- John L. Murphy Introduction to Loudspeaker Design
- Philip Newell Loudspeakers: For music recording and reproduction
- Philip Newell Project Studios: A more professional approach
- Philip Newell Recording Spaces
- Philip Newell Recording Studio Design, Second Edition
- Philip Newell Studio Monitoring Design: A Personal View
- Harry Ferdinand Olson Music, Physics and Engineering
- Alan V. Oppenheim, Willsky, Alan S. Signals and Systems
- Henry Ott Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems
- Robert A. Pease Troubleshooting Analog Circuits
- Ken C. Pohlmann Principles of Digital Audio
- John Prohs Time Delay Spectrometry
- Michael Rettinger Applied Architectural Acoustics
- Michael Rettinger Studio Acoustics
- Francis Rumsey Spatial Audio (Music Technology)
- Robert Runstein Modern Recording Techniques
- Douglas Self Audio Power Amplifier Handbook
- Douglas Self Self on Audio
- John Watkinson An Introduction to Digital Audio
- John Watkinson Art of Digital Audio, Third Edition
- David B. Weems Designing, Building, and Testing Your Own Speaker System With Projects
- Jim Williams Analog Circuit Design: Art, Science and Personalities
- Jim Williams The Art and Science of Analog Circuit Design