I listen to the music in film & TV as well... there is some really good music there. Even the stuff in a few commercials is really smokin'!!!
On structure.... yeah there are dozens of structures in use but a few tend to be more popular than others.
One thing I have noticed is that the standard 3 verse and a chorus form is fading a bit.... the new standard does seem to be 2 verses with pre-chorus (PC) and a killer chorus.
Another popular structure involves the use of the bridge. I love a well crafted bridge. It's not something that fits or works in every song, but where it does fit, it works magic like nothing else can.
I like to try to vary the structure in the songs I write, using bridges and PC's when possible, though they must be a natural fit. As I start to write, I really do not plan out the structure ahead of time. I write, the song as I feel it coming to me. If it has a PC or a bridge, well, that;s simply how it worked in that song. The next one might be a simple AABA form.
I often find myself writing songs that have no chorus.... verses and a bridge...... which is another structure altogether but not very popular in commercial music for obvious reasons.... people like a big satisfying chorus. one song of mine which I felt was well written was turned down for this very reason by a Nashville publishing house. They wanted a chorus and asked me to rewrite it with a chorus. Major revisions like that change a song totally. It's still setting in my soundclick waiting for the inspiration for the rewrite.
I'm working on one now..... very close to finishing it, that has the typical 3 verse structure and a PC to every chorus. The cool thing about the PC is that it is not generally restricted to having the same lyrics every time as the chorus is generally expected to have. The PC in my new tune has slightly different lyric each time.... to match the verse preceding it better. The chorus is the same...... until the last when it is still the same but has a different "overlay" on it. You'll see what I'm talking about in the coming days. (hopefully by middle of next week) I'm needing to rewrite the 2nd half of the 2nd verse, or perhaps the entire 2nd verse since I'm not satisfied with it's flow.
No matter the structure.... when you hit the chorus, no matter if it comes straight from the verse or from a PC... the chorus has to be HUGE.... it has to have a noticeable increase in power, energy, and it has to satisfy..... with a big payoff. Lyrically, the questions get answered there, and the song makes total sense, as all the verses are now tied together. It is supposed to be the orgasmic moment in the song. All the tension in the verses and PC's are leading to that moment.
Song structure is such a fun topic.
Side note: It doesn't matter what structure you use.....one piece of advice I was given on songwriting from a Nashville writer was to be into the chorus before 60 seconds including the intro, and keep the intro's as short as possible, not to exceed 13 seconds (average). (for commercially aimed tunes)