Mr Wookiee ,
I just gave your tune Water - Nymph a few listens .
At around 44 seconds I Love what you did when you switched up and went into a new direction w the sound effects

...are you using Tantra there ?
Yes I can honestly say that I enjoyed listening to this song very much ..
I tend to enjoy listening to music that is not anything like what I do

Also your tune gave me some ideas on finding some new synth sounds ...I know I always tell you that ...if I ever get some bucks
Your the guy I want to bring with me to the music store ..
One thing that I did notice since I'm still waking up having my coffee
so don't get mad at me for my attempt at humor ..
Out of the corner of my right eye I kept noticing the Wookiee on the keyboard watching me as I listened ...
After playing a little stare down game w him I looked at him and said "Hey Pal you can write a pretty mean song that involves some pretty cool water sounds " ...."How is it possible that it looks like you still need a bath "
all the best,