When I Google DropZone, I get just about nothing. Why is that?
For the past couple of months I've been exploring a myriad of softsynths, including many free ones, and the ones that came with my Sonar HS 6.2. To name a few: Dimension LE, Triangle II, Square I, DropZone, Session Drummer, Roland Groove Synth, TTS-1, and a bunch of freeware synths: Crystal, Rez, Texture, Dominator, Zebra CM, Synth1, Polyiblit, and more. I've played with demo versions of z3ta, Rapture, and Zebra II. I'm not a sound designer so I judge these synths based on the patches that come with them. (I'll make simple tweaks here and there.) Compared with these DropZone still sounds awesome. I am blown away by some of the sounds.
Here's an interesting story I'd like to share, regarding my experience with DropZone: My introduction to the world of DAW and SoftSynths started a few months ago when I bought Cakewalk's Music Creator 4 (I think for $40). That's when I first started playing with DropZone. I was awed. I got tired of some of the limitations of Music Creator (e.g. only 8 simultaneous synth instances -- not documented, but a very real limitation none the less) and got Sonar HS 6.2, which also came with DropZone. By accident, my Sonar was trying to use the DropZone that came with Music Creator, and crashed every time I tried to use DropZone. I found this out when I reinstalled the DZ that came with my Sonar. Problem solved! But... Where did all my DZ patches go? Instead of the several hundred patches that I had when running Music Creator, I now only had a dozen or so. Luckily I was able copy over all the patches (actually they're called programs) from my Music Creator CD to the appropriate folder, and voila! I got my patches back.
You Sonar HS 6.x owners, I recommend you get Music Creator 4 just for the DropZone patches. There are hundreds of them, and some are quite awesome.
Is is possible that DropZone is sort of a beta version of Rapture?