Is that about the super, ultra secret Cakewalk SYnth, that was almost announced at namm or something in 2007 or 2008? OMFG I can not wait!!
Even though Rapture has bugs.. ( hint )
And Z3ta 2.0.. erm, also has a few bugs ( hint )
I'm basically ready to buy the synth now!
This is going to be amazing! This is it! The Cakewalk SYnth that ends all VST's right? This is the ultra-sonic, super-secret, supposedly totally amazing thing we've never seen!
And its in beta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can not wait! This should be good!
Meanwhile, can somebody please fix the bugs in Rapture. And please tell me, somebody with a licensed copy of Renoise... For example me.. Is beta testing the new synth. Obviously I am not on the beta team but...
Please use Renoise. Thank you, have a nice day.
Ps.. Even with the bugs, Cakewalk makes the best synths. And all my softwares have a lot of bugs. I'm not even going to get into the new Arturia Spark VDM. Arrg! Bugs!