Hi guys,
We're moving into the house starting tomorrow and I am back w/ a bit more info and maybe a couple of questions.
The room I'll work in is pretty small - I don't have the exact dimension but I'd say 11 x 15 maybe - 15 at its max, there's actually a closet taking a few feet off of that. Here is a sketch, nothing too accurate, but it gives you an idea.
Issue no 1 - the door prevents me from installing a bass trap in that corner of the room. (the sketch isn't accurate, the door basically takes the whole space there.
Issue no 2 - this is a a house we rent (at least for now) and I can't do anything too drastic (so I can't just get rid of that closet to gain a few feet or whatever).
Also worth considering -
The floor isn't wood but a rug. Having had to deal w/ such little rooms in the past, I think that in this case, it's preferable.
I am considering having heavy curtains covering the entire wall where the window is (in front of the desk/behind the monitors), w/ bass traps in each corner. I may use a similar strategy to hide the closet's sliding mirror doors.
One thing I'm thinking about is building the 4 corner bass traps w/ stands, and just push them in each corner - which would also avoid drill holes in the walls. Would that defeat the purpose?
If I built them as such, one of my options for the odd corner would be to have the bass trap not in the corner but a couple of feet away from it - same distance as the other corner on that side of the room. But then, would it still be of any use?
Any thought would be greatly appreciated.