Thanks, Paul.
We visited a friend this week who's been working on his own studio and doing room treatment - actually, his is much closer to a commercial studio than anything.
Anyway, the good news is that on top of what I had budgeted for the first phase, I'll also inherits his "scraps" - and it looks like he'll have plenty of pretty decent pieces - so it will speed up things.
So far, curtains will be used more for aesthetic purpose than anything - as I intend to remove the sliding mirror doors, I'll replace them w/ a curtain. I still need the closet because that's where I store all the unused gear, guitar cases and such.
I may also use one to run across the entire wall in front of me. I don't need the window and/or natural daylight and it'd allow me to recreate the kind of environment in which I work better, w/o resorting to paint (because painting those uneven walls with the stucco type of ceiling is a nightmare, anyway). Eggshell and daylight are nice, but I need some contrast.
If those two curtains have a slight effect on reflection, it'd be a bonus, but I'm not counting on them as a treatment device.
You mention the door and it's funny because I thought I could do something like that last night.
Of course, the idea is to make adjustments as we go and to proceed methodically. For example, I wanted to wait and make sure that there wouldn't be any major modification to my setup once I start doing room treatment, and that I would be adding a rack or something, which would force me to move things around and which can end up having a significant impact in such a smaller room.
For example, I wanted to wait until I had my display and see how my desk configuration worked. And I had to reconfigure things a bit, indeed. This week I'm picking up a new audio interface, which allows me to get rid of my mixer and preamp - which means I won't need a desk extension, and such...
But I think we'll be ready to begin any moment now. :)
Thanks for the links!