Your link on top of the page takes you to a song called Nomansland.
Now that I found this link, I'm listening to this also.
I like this song quite a bit. The lyrics are "real" and are really well done. I like the vocals quite a bit. They remind me of some 80s post punk groups like The Alarm. I love the simplicity of the instrumentation, including the drums. To me, to have anything more going on would detract from the song itself.
My only crit (and I know you said it's the final mix and it's not going to get any better), you can hear extra vocal noises like lip smacks and breaths between some of the lines and especially at the beginning before the vocals start. If it's not too late, I'd go in and try to edit those out.
Honestly, that's my only crit. As for the song writing and instrumentation, I absolutely am in love with this song. It's like my life before I got married. I can definitely relate to the lyrics.