CSWThanks everyone for the nice comments on the song. Dan's arrangements really lifted the song to a place that would not have been possible with guitar, bass and drums alone. Thanks Dan for taking the time from your busy life and working with me. RegardsCraig
emeraldsoulDid you guys catch that panned "windchime" at 2:33? Holy cow if I tried to do that it would sound like a drunk guy knocking milk bottles over. Really really great mix, Dan. All the good stuff was up front at the right times. cheers, -Tom
skinnybones lampshadeThis is such a heartfelt song, and so professionally produced, that I had to check that I was actually a member of the same forum as a major player in its formulation. I can identify with the subject matter, as I think most people (unfortunately) can. This is a good thing in a song, though maybe not so much in real life. Near the beginning, I worried that the song had reached its peak too early; that is, that the singer was going full throttle and there would be 3 1/2 more minutes of trying to push that emotional intensity. That fear was unfounded, though, as the intensity was dialed back somewhat and allowed to build again. Thanks for the great listen!LJ
jamesg1213Stunning. What a production, and what a story.
bjornpdxDanBoy, this is really good. The whole thing, the arrangement and all-around production sounds professionally done imo.
biodiodeWhat a fantastically constructed song, nice mix. Having read the back story this is one powerful, emotional song. Well done guys you both should be proud of this one.