That's kind of a tough call. You would gain VST instrument support, which is huge. I believe GTP3 supported more inputs. If you are just recording yourself, that is not a big deal.
I'm going to throw another option at you.
As a registered customer, you can upgrade to X3 (basic version) for the same price as MC6. This would be a major step up for you, but your OS could be an issue. It won't run on XP. It will run on Vista, but some functions are a little flaky.
I doubt if upgrading to Vista or W7 is still an option for you. It is extremely unlikely that a system designed to work with XP could be successfully upgraded to W8.
I really liked XP , but when my own XP machine died recently, I found myself at a crossroad similar to what you are looking at.
I have been shopping Newegg for refurbished W7/W8 machines and there are some very good deals.
If your budget will allow, you are at a prime spot to upgrade your whole system for dirt cheap.
Do you have an interface? Even with a newer computer, the built-in sound card will offer marginal performance.
If you do start to get into this, you will inevitably experience what we fondly refer to as GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome).
For a relatively modest outlay, you can build an environment that is a joy to record in.
If you do go with MC6(using your current OS), get the non-touch version. It is compatible with XP and Vista.
While it is not the most cost-effective solution, it is a viable option with your current hardware/OS.
I know this is a lot to chew on, but hopefully it will help you make an informed decision.