Jeff Evans
I think the problem with something like this is when a program such as Sonar can only run on one platform. There may be a tendency for polarisation. But when you use a program like Studio One that runs very well on both, then the differences between them actually fade away to not much. I for one use my software on both platforms and in reality there his no big difference here. Once the program is booted up on either, the OS in fact disappears into the background and the program pretty runs identically on both. So in fact the argument is weak.
There are some things on the Mac that are easier and when there are less options sometimes things do work better. Some things do install easier and faster with less fiddling around.
Stellar performance can be had on either system so if you are wanting to build a high end machine to run your program you can do it very well as evidenced here for example:
So if you think that only the ultimate performance can be had on a Mac Pro then well you may be wrong.
There are other things I do like about the Mac in preference to Windows. They are not always related to DAW use.
Kenny it's Starise not Starrise bonk bonk bonk can call me Tim anytime too.You do play one heckuva guitar there dude!
If cost, service and inter connective capability don't matter, then none of it matters, and you would be correct. If loosing some freedom to make hardware choices doesn't matter , then it doesn't matter. From the perspective that only the actual daw matters I would agree. I think that view leaves out the other considerations though and is probably why some only use a PC or only a Mac.
If a person is considering a studio then everything in between matters. Not only this, but what matters varies by the individual and the way they plan to use it.
I think the polarization comes in when Mac users come off as elitist on a forum that uses a PC daw no less. I'm not inferring this is you, but I have seen that kind of thinking here. The view they have is especially provoking when the inner hardware they use is PC hardware, is regulated like a an old Soviet gulag, and costs twice as much money. There are a lot of things people miss, but they don't usually miss this $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
Apple also has problems with OS updates. We PC users sometimes speak up and try to bring out the advantages of PC ownership........and if one goes into a gay bar wearing candy pants.....well. Granted this post wasn't initiated by a Mac owner, we have Mac owners here. I can respect someone liking a Mac for how it works. Who can argue that? It's subjective there.
I also own the Studio One Professional with the latest updates installed. I only use it on a PC, so if you like Studio One you aren't held to a Mac like a person is with Logic. It goes both ways here- Some daw software will only run on a Mac. Some will only run on a PC, some on both.
There are people with daw problems over on the Studio One board who use Mac computers.