Never understood need for people to be insistent on platforms to the point where they need to deride others. Experiences vary amd there are certainly pros and cons on each. If something is working for you, why give a crap what others prefer? Macs ARE generally easier to work the eay you want out the box, but that is not always true since pc makers and users vary. Pcs AREmore susceptible to crashes and driver incompatibilities for average user, but some pc users have no such issies. When Mac users do experience issues whether hardware or software they tend to be far harder to resolve for the average joe. Wgen linux works it tends to be smooth sailing, but the most minor things can be annoying. I think most of these debates are based in a bizarre insecurity about very personal choices.
Both alternatives do work, as abundantly demonstrated on a daily basis in the industry. People who pretend that PC are too unreliable to use are proven wrong every minute of the day. Same goes for people who are on some sort of anti-Apple crusade.
As Jim pointed out, there's also a lot of people running hybrid rigs, because that's what works for them.
Personally, I think that the assumption that just about every one basically NEEDS quantum computing to make music is ridiculous. Of course some people require a gazillion live tracks, but they're certainly not the majority - merely a fragment of the market.
In fact, all that computing power did very little to improve the quality of music in recent years. All the opposite.
Personally, no matter how much more powerful the latest custom-built PC is than my current rig, I couldn't care less. And that is the mentality of a majority of Mac users I speak with - and who do this for a living.