I started with
RealTraps portable vocal recording booth and suppose I've reached a happy medium:
but added insulative-fiberglass pieces (that i painted black) above and below to help prevent vertical echoes; that
really helped take the dreaded 'vox in the box sound' out of my vocals.
You can save most of the $300 by just buying hard fiberglass insulation for your base-trap and getting creative; but the RealTraps PVC adheres to your mic-stand fairly well (with prior proper planning IMHO). Heaven forbid I knock down my mic-stand with that huge RealTraps PVB on it
Then behind me (about 4-5 feet) I have a Quilt hanging from the ceiling in semi-circle ($40 for a huge sexy one), to stop rear echoes.
So, the vocal booth I have is slightly sexy, cozy, and perfect (until 18 wheelers rumble by

). Please use a beautiful quilt on your rear ... not a moving blanket

EDIT: As per Lance and Gullfo; also, RV#19 insulaton (behind wood or sheetrock) is recommended by many to sound proof outside noises (when feasible).
Now, someone might chime in and utterly ridicule our crudely sexy vocal booths; just ignore them
