Apologies for the slightly incoherent post. It's late and my brain hurts.
I think I may be having the same issue as you. To replicate, I do the following in Sonar X1 Expanded
Open up Z3ta and initialize a patch.
Set up Osc 1 with any waveform
Set up lfo 1 as any wave form
In the mod matrix, have the LFO1 modulate one of the waves shaping parameters (I've normally been doing twist) with any curve.
Settings aren't important, just make sure you can hear the modulation going on.
When I press a note on my midi keyboard, I can hear modulation
When I click on the preview strip, I can hear modulation
When I click on the piano roll, I can hear modulation.
So far, so good. However, as soon as I press play in my host, the modulation is gone. Say for example I put MIDI trigger for C# for 4 bars and press play - Z3ta will only play the flat note with no modulation.
If I press play then hit a note on my midi keyboard, there is no modulation
If I press play then click on the preview ribbon, there is no modulation.
Even after I've stopped Sonar from playing, Z3ta will still output without any modulation.
Then it gets weird. If I leave Z3ta alone for a period of time - I haven't gotten around to measuring yet - then the lfo modulation will work again. As soon as I press play then it goes. I've also found that if I set up my continuous four bar c# piano roll trigger on a loop, the note will start to play flat, but after a period of time it will modulate. As soon as I stop and start again, the note is flat.
The best way I can describe it is it seems like when the modulation matrix gets has a lfo is assigned to a waveshaper, it somehow gets disabled when the audio engine gets activated for a period of time, then becomes active. I can't see any options in Z3ta or Sonar that could be causing this.
Any ideas anyone?