A few days ago I started putting together a shopping list, to take advantage of that 26.2% Marathon Sale. SWA Fast Approach to Cakewalk Z3TA+ 2 was on Sale for $9.99 So today, I planned on ordering everything on that list. My cart totaled over $190. But when I went to place the video in my cart, it was $19.99 Even with 26.2% off $19.99 = $14.75 And instead of completing my order and checking out, I closed out my browser. I know that prices can change at any given time, but at least run this introductory price until the end of the month, in relation to the Marathon Sale so that customers like me can get that video at the special pricing and shop for other items at the same time. And since I decided to not make the purchase, I most likely won't be making a large purchase like I was planning on doing so in the future. It's just the little things like these that frustrates customers like me who was ready to shell out some of his weekly earnings, to help Cakewalk make some sales.