Well now the bass is to far forward.
And there is still something in the timing of the instruments I can't put my finger on. It shows now the bass is loud.
It's like you've quantizied using triplets on some parts and 1/16 on others??
Like at 44, the snare hits with a push but the bass is late. Listening a little more I think it is that the bass does not groove with the drums.. Your very close and it's a good song well worth perfecting.
What I'd do is put the Bass and the drum midi tracks side by side in track view.
Now expand them and zoom in using the Now Time to see what lines up. It might be as simple as just a dozen notes that are out of sync.
The out of sync timing thing happens all the time for me as a result of quantizing moving a note as I say to the 1/16 line when it belonged in a Triplet placement.