Al, I came across something you may find interesting. This guy sort of feels the way I feel. Before you click on that, hear me out for second. There's a video in that link by Graham Cochrane (whom I respect) that I personally feel is a prime example of LCR failing. Let me tell you why...
The mix to me is not pronounced and you can hear all the stuff being wide and disconnected in my opinion as well as instrument upon instrument laying on top of each other. He mentions in the vid that he has lots of instruments going on. Can you really hear them all? I mean you sort of can if you listen really hard, but to me, listening to music "really hard" isn't something I like to do unless I'm doing a consultation for someone or fixing someone's mix, ya know? I'd much rather have things jump out at me in different spots.
To me, this mix sounds like this:
<<<<music>>>>---------------------------------drums, bass and vocals-----------------------------------<<<<music>>>>
It's definitely not something I'd be happy with.
The link also mentions a few things from Mixerman. That's another guy I respect, but sort of feel some of his ideas are not to my liking nor do I think many of his results are "mindblowing" or "fantastic" like he makes them out to be.
Though I'd NOT agree with the guy in the link when he mentions "LCR sucks" some of what he has to say as well as Graham's video are the reasons why I don't particularly care for the method. With that, I will leave you to form your own conclusions. :)