OK folks I spent a few hours on it.
I soloed the bass track and it was a terrible recording, I think it was one I used my Hondo bass on.
So here's a forum Challenge for you all:
I am going to see if anyone here can identify the brand of bass I now used!
Anyhow I think you'll be happy with that improvement alone, it filled things out.
I re directed the Kick drum from Strike2 to TTS-1. Don't laugh, I think it's the perfect kick sometimes. Also it lets me add a bit of reverb to the whole drum kit.
So working on the mid rangy thing, I swapped out Mr Tramp for a cleaner Elec Piano using Lounge Lizard.
Still not happy, I recorded a whole new regular piano part as I could "hear" something I wanted on the choruses.
That also added some brightness to the soundscape.
I've added a BU vocal but I don't really like doing my own so this was just an experiment.