Some things just sound better digitally. Drums actually being one of them. Who says analog is the perfect sound and the level to achieve. Put digital in its place and make that the reference instead. Listen to it, get used to the sound and learn to love it. Then you start to see analog in a different light instead of this revered thing to look up to. You start to hear how inferior analog can sound in some situations.
Man Jeff, what a huge, impressively true statement! I can't agree more with what you said there. What's even more impressive is, you and I were both raised on tape, yet feel the same way about this digital stuff.
The only thing I can say I like tape for is guitar sounds. I find that if I use my 24 track 2 inch machines via SMPTE and print guitars, the difference is I don't have to low pass as much and get a little tape saturation. Though that's cool to have, it's not something I need for every guitar I print. I'm really starting to like the digital sizzle as long as it doesn't cut like a razor.
For, snares and cymbals have never sounded better than in the digital realm. Bass guitar...same thing...all the mud is gone. I guess my whole problem with analog and tape is, it just doesn't sound as exciting to me. I like the additional top end we get with digital as well as the sub lows that would normally sound bad on tape. Sub lows + tape saturation = mud in my realm and a very un-exciting piece. Granted, when controlled analog can be really cool too...I just don't see a need for it nor is it a necessity in my world.
The greatest day of my recording life (other than when I learned how to mix lol) was when my good friend Mike Pincosi demanded I stop using my tape machine and start using Sonar due to all the power and automation I could have. I said "Fine, you teach me how to use it and I'll try it" and he did. I don't miss a single thing with tape. Especially now that I have that Studer tape sim from's so spot on to what tape does and you have full control over how it can sound with bias and tape brand etc.
As for console emulation, I'm still not sold on it other than the Waves stuff. However, the Waves CE's are a bit too dramatic. The channels they offer sometimes sound so different, if I had a NEVE or and SSL with that much of a difference in channel sounds, I'd get it repaired. So I'm still not buying into any of these things. Most of them add sizzle and drive more so than actual character.
Rest assured, if you went through a real NEVE or an SSL without using anything on the channel other than a little pre to get to the right signal to push to disc, I'd be willing to bet you'd not even hear a difference. I hold true to my original statements about CE's...all CE's are hype and a total waste of time to me. They do absolutely nothing to enhance tone and are the furthest from what a real console sounds like.