Hi all. I only had a few minutes to sit at the computer last night and became even more frustrated. After initializing z3ta+ 2.1, I chose a simple generated sine, no modification. A generic LFO has only speed and depth controls, so for a solid tone, can create the "pulsing" effect. Regardless of variations used, I could not get the z3ta+ to change the sound (only using LFO1). I only used one wave, tried them all, shifted back and forth from sliders to settings, and even tried linking LFO1 in the matrix to various outputs, and no luck. Ironically, if I use the arpeggiator, a simple "UP" and 1 octave will create the pulse (by re-keying to the beat essentially), but I cannot do it with LFO1. It is comical to understand the theory, but not be able to get it to work. A simple sine wave with some speed and depth should make any tone pulse. Any clue what I am doing wrong?