After spending the last year recording mostly blues-rock music, this recent project was a breath of fresh air. These guys are really in to the avant-garde art scene and some of this song will probably end up in a video or art display somewhere. The song is called All Is Lonliness, based on the version recorded by Moondog. Besides the usual assortment of FX, I took a snippet of vocal and ran it through PaulStretch to get the vocal drone that goes through most of the song. I also ran the vocal drone and tambura through a noise gate side chained to the percussion track to get a little pumping action going. The reverse reverb for the 2
nd vocal was done by copying the vocal to another track, moving it ahead a few seconds and inserting PerfectSpace on the track with the ‘Reverse’ button selected and the mix set to 100% wet. I then ran the 2
nd vocal & reverse reverb through a Nomad Factory modulation plug-in. Kick, snare and tambourine were one of the kits that came with Studio Drummer. Those kits have nice snare articulation.
Yeah, I know it’s droney and repetitive. That’s what they were going for.