Hey, everyone! After a coupla weeks' hiatus, I'm getting back to making music. So, I was wondering- when it comes to lyrics, what process do you typically follow for writing songs?
I'm asking mainly because at the moment I have a lot of trouble making 'story-songs' unless I use some sort of 'plot' or outline for each verse. Any ideas?
I think you hit the nail on the head there with your "plot" comment. I write my songs using a formula most times. The reason for this...it's sort of like a blue-print like you'd use for building a house. It can assist you in the creation part of song-writing.
For example, a good formula I use is beginning, middle, climax and end. Each one of those aspects tells the story just like watching a movie. How will your beginning be? Something with spoken word without music, a theme oriented synth intro, an acoustic guitar, start on the hooky chorus part without any singing, a power riff of some kind, a drum beat, just a bass? These are things that set up your mood.
Your middle tells the story and gets into the meat of it all. The climax of course is the the best part of the song...whether it be an infectious chorus or something mind-blowing and musical. Your end is something that can be the segue out of the climax to further etch the song in stone. You can get more intense here, fade out on a chorus with loads of vocals, or back things down and be a bit more intimate. There are no rules.
As far as lyrics go, I find it easier to come up with a melody first and then the music part seems to write itself. Once you have a melody, the words should be pretty easy really. Sometimes I tell stories, sometimes I speak about real life experiences while other times I'll make something up and have some fun with it. One of the best tools I've ever used for lyrics is Master Writer. I've written so many songs in a snap with it, I now can't live without it. It literally helps you finish your ideas as it has all the rhyming words, it gives you phrases, dictionary, thesaurus, topics to write about....it's just priceless to me with helping me with lyrical ideas.
One of the things I struggle with is...trying to sound like a poet or a lyricist that hits you with double or triple meanings. You know, you listen to the song and think it means this, when it really means that....or something completely different. Unfortunately for me, I'm not that good as a lyricist and basicly tell it like it is to where it's a little too obvious. I've learned to accept that within myself. Some people are awesome at delivering lyrical excellence....some people like me, just tell it like it is and excel more on the music and performance more than super crafty words with double or triple meanings. So first and foremost, accept yourself but of course, strive to be better and more crafty whenever you can. :)