I got a chance to read it first.
You not only helped me but you also helped a few others who posted thanks as well.
What can I say? Thanks for the help.
I took theory in college. I got A's and didn't understand any of it.
I brought in a songwriter song as an assignment that fascinated the instructor... she had a phd in piano and couldn't figure out what I was doing with the chord changes and the song form. She even cajoled me into playing for the class as an example of stuff that sounds familiar or conventional but is hard to describe with theory. Some of the traditionally trained students told me to keep at it. :-S
I still have that song in my head some where. People always seem to enjoy it and I've never known anything but how to play it.
I've never found a music teacher who could figure out why I couldn't figure out what they found easy to remember or understand.
You were one of the first persons that made some effort to try to figure out what I was thinking and then try to help clarify things a bit.
I thought that was pretty cool.
best regards,