Well I spent a couple hours experimenting this afternoon.
Used my Audix i5 and AKG Perception 200.
I was most interested in the placement of the i5 in relation to the speakers, as you guys had suggested. The AKG part of the test was to check the sound in different locations of my isolation room.
this was actually pretty fun.
What I found was that 1 of my speakers in the cabinet does in fact sound better than the other. Actually I should say warmer, not better.
I tried the i5 straight on in the middle of the speaker both against the cloth and at about 2" out then compared that to putting the mic about half way between the edge of the speaker and the middle, about 2" out and angled in toward the middle at about 30 degrees.
The sound with the mic facing straight on was quite a bit brighter than the sound with the mic angled it. The angled mic actually was very warm and full.
I can see how these 2 different options could be useful depending on which guitar I am recording.
This was a valuable lesson for me today and I thank each of you that contributed thoughts and suggestions to this thread.
One downside however is that I think my guitar is having problems.
It keeps playing the wrong notes.....