skinnybones lampshade
skinnybones lampshade
Bonne soirée Olivier,
J'ai tellement aimé çe que vous venez de nous présenter - merci bien! L'ambience jazz-cowboy si détendu, ça m'a vraiment impressioné!
I really enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and expertly played lines here. Thank you very much, Olivier!
Hello Laura,
Glad to meet you here..
Thanks a lot for your post,
the only little thing I have to mention is that ,as you are a lady ,
you should have typed:"ça m'a vraiment impressionnée"
Cheers and carry on with your music.
Hello Olivier,
Thanks for the correction. I thought about adding the 'e' but I (wrongly) thought that since the verb was 'avoir' and not 'être', feminizing the verb wouldn't apply in this case. Live and learn :) I won't make that mistake again, just thousands of others!
Hi Laura,
Well a little bit touchy....I am not french teacher.
Actually ,you are right,but french people are complicated,so there is a rule which says: ( there are starting problems for me) that when the object( in this case: you( m')) is placed before the auxiliary then the participe should follow the genre of the object.....
Sorry ,sorry, I'm aware this place is not meant to discuss about languages specificities.