If the snare sounds too loud for your tastes, turn it down.
The bass could come down a little, but not much. As is in the first section, it works. I'd est. it and then pull it down. It sounds fine once the rest of the songs gets louder.
The guitars ain't jelling? Send them through a guitar bus if you aren't already and slap the ssl bus comp on them. That will help est. the overall relative vol of the guitars and let the compressor push one to the forefront as they self mix.
I didnt' really listen to the vox critically, but what I heard was a good but not great performance. Nothing really stood out, good or bad. If you are happy w/ the take, all the usuall things apply. HP the bottom. On vox I'll often go up to the 200 hZ since the low end of the voice often fights w/ the bass/kick/flr tom and doesn't add anything.