Pentagon was one of the first synths that I purchased. I would definitely be interested in seeing an update. Maybe that's the special surprise listed on the Upcoming Features page.
In no particular order here are the features I would like to see:
1. A new preset system. The clunky .fxb system from 2001 needs to go, to be replaced with something which allows you to have some degree of patch organization.
2. Allow import of wave files in the way Rapture does. I'd like to run some of the Architecture waves through it.
3. Redo the effects system. I dig that Pentagon has this total 79-82 vibe to it. I'd like the effects to reflect that too, by including options that someone might have used during that era. For example:
- Phaser that sounds like Small Stone.
- Flangers that had a real swoosh to them.
- Ensemble effect taken from string synths of the period
- Distortions modeled after Big Muff or Rat
- Delay with Tape/BBD/Digital options, with multiple resolutions for the digital delay.
4. Nobody would complain if the oscillators sounded a little bit better.