Ok I'd thought I start a similar thread to my X1 one this time detailing Notion 3, I think Notion 3 is a Cakewalk product if I can buy a bundled copy, so I hope this is an appropriate place to talk about it.
Well after buying the software about a month ago I finally got around to putting it on my machine, this was because I was waiting for a clean install of windows 7 and another hard drive for the samples.
Installation went smoothly and once I fired it up and listend to The Nutcracker one of the supplied demp peice's I was blown away. it sounded like an orchestra, the only thing I could notice was the attack and release times on some of the instruments, were not great but at 300$ retail this is a quibble.
Ok so I started to punch in a track of mine that needed a proper string quartet. All I can say it is going to be a steep learning curve.
Also I have not got it to work as a rewire instrument yet, first it couldn't see it, this is because I need to set X1 to share drivers I think and I still have not been able to open it, the instrument now that X1 can see it. This is because it seems to take control of my interface and change the sample rate I think.
Ok will keep everybody informend