Six variations in the file I'm sending to you:
1. Dry, as you sent it to me
2. Waves Doubler, light setting
3. Gated delay
4. Two reverbs, one short, one long
5. Waves Doubler, heavier setting plus the two reverbs
6. Same as #5 but with parallel compression
The main non-bundled effect I used was the Waves Doubler plugin. However, you do not need this plugin to achieve the effect. It just makes it more convenient. It merely duplicates an old technique, which is to clone the vocal twice and pitch one clone up a few cents and the other down a few cents.
I also used FabFilter Pro-C for the parallel compression. Again, you don't need a special compressor to do this and it can be accomplished using only the bundled Sonitus compressor. Pro-C just makes it easier by providing a wet/dry mix, alleviating the need for a separate compressor bus.