+1 for the video option. If I had two rooms I'd definitely go that route, for convenience as well as acoustics. You could even add a second camera to see who's at the front door without getting up from your chair, or to spot the UPS truck you've been waiting for (I've missed a few deliveries because I had headphones on!).
I have never constructed a studio window, only read about it, but all my sources suggest that angling the glass and making the panes nonparallel is pretty much a waste of time. All it's going to do is break up flutter echoes against the back wall behind you, which usually isn't a problem anyway. At least not with my big head in the way. Even if it was a problem, it's easily treated with rear-wall absorption.
What it's not going to do is improve isolation. More important is getting a good airtight seal using liberal quantities of silicone caulk. I think it was Rod Gervais' book that had lots of diagrams...a good book to have regardless.