All Midi СС# in Midi Clip Automation! Not only Velocity. It will be great!
If you do it you can forget my wish №7
Long midi-note playing...
Quick Quantize (without pop-up) and necessarily HOT Key for this!
Zoom in Loop and necessarily HOT Key for this!
Bypass for VST25. Special new button for
open VSTi from console:
6. NEW Macros language or NEW
Macros interface with toolbar like in Studio One 2.6 or better like in Cubase 5!
If you will be do it... pleace do it for PRV and Track View (Like in S1).
Change edit midi СС# in PRV.
Now in Sonar X3 I need more time for draw this. In other DAW (Studio One) i can do it for 2 sec.
8. Try to do like this in Sonar... Make it in Sonar 4, Pleace.
This is PRV СС# edit Modulation... I can draw more... 2 sec to do it.
9. This:
after I have this automatically:
Track Manager in dock with more functionality - see Reaper, Studio One, Cubase 7.
11. Why Sonar X3 Browser convert my audio files and then play? Sonar Save it in my Project Audio folder. Sonar X must try to use other DAW for understand what I'm talking about. Other DAW play it immediately, Sonar is think and then play.
12. All digital options can edit with ctrl+mouse scroll
13. Video Synchronization... oh... nevermind... I hope developer can do it in Sonar X4 or Sonar X5 or Sonar X6...