In both SI and SD3, each piece of the kit is defined by its own sfz file. The program files are a different format. What you will need to do is import the .sfz files for each drum separately.
Open SD3. For each drum do the following:
1. Click on the image of one of the drums
2. In the bottom left, near where it says DRUM->, it should have the name of the drum you clicked. For example, if you clicked on the Hi-hat it will say "Hi Hat (Empty)"
3. Click on that text. You will be prompted with a file open dialog.
4. Navigate to an sfz in the studio instruments directory which contains a hi hat. For example, C:Program Files\Cakewalk\Studio Instruments\Kits3 Hats.sfz
5. Now the drum will become opaque, and the text box now displays "Kit3 Hats.sfz [12.5 MB]"
Repeat until you have all drums for the kit loaded. You should be able to save that as a new program.