Echoing others saying you need to punish those drums a little more :D
You won't get the tone and character out of a drum unless you hit it hard enough to get the shells to resonate, otherwise you are just hearing the skin ring.
Going on 30 years drumming with students often a little leery of laying into the things, that's what I hear, the timid sound has nothing to do with compression, and it's not just me being a hard rock/metal drummer, drums really need to be hit with a certain force to get them to open up no matter what style.
Try another recording, this time hit them hard and you'll hear the sound open up and get the character of the kit out.
Also, you can get rid off a lot of snare seiding resonance by experimenting with tuning your toms if you have problems with sympathetic resonance, much better than killing the snare with muffling. Get a tune-bot and experiment with tuning.