Im really wanting to find some things out on ProChannel in general but with all the newness going on upstairs Im afraid it will get lost in cyberspace
Are you using the ProChannel with Presets?
I decided to make life easier for the way I mix by using ProChannel Presets for the first time. (Uh Oh)
I started with a project I already have all the tracks for/recorded
Heres the situation at this point
In Track View I expanded the PC's and assigned/loaded presets for AC Guitars & Vocals (On the Tracks) just to feel things out.
On the busses I left all FX and PC blank except for the bass which I loaded the preset for Fingered Bass
When I check the settings (lets say AC guitars, 8 tracks, same presets on all) the EQ might setup for the preset on one but not the other. Sometimes the Compressor, EQ, or Tube might be on or might not. Sometimes the On/Off for the entire PC might be on or off.
When I play and SOLO the bass buss, I see the compressors intermittently working on the guitar tracks.
Im not sure if its PC or something I could have done to create this just loading presets. There was no copy/pasting, all loaded individually on each track or buss.
Any ideas or is it best to not use ProChannel in a Preset kind of method of mixing?
ADDED I did however create a Preset for Acoustic Guitar, Saved it as ACG1, and when loaded onto other tracks, all settings go as they should.