I agree that I think there just might be something different going on, but to counter some of those things, Linear Phase - the gloss button is just a harmonic exciter (I believe) which is mentioned in the article. That is, the processing goes EQ+Saturation etc. That's what I think is happening here. You could get the same result just using the eq then adding your own exciter.
As for the pure, and vintage etc buttons, I believe these are just curves and how they behave with Q and gain. For the same Q setting, pure will have the same bandwidth for both gains and cuts and it's linear. For others, it might be effectively a narrower Q when you cut but wider when you boost. And some also get wider the more you boost, whist others might just stay the same, or maybe even get more narrow (don't know why you'd want that though). So each of the four options (or three in X1) are for different workflows. They can all sound the same if tweaked, but behave differently. So as has been mentioned before, each one can allow you to get to the result you want faster. I think this might be the key thing here. Some curves might tend to just sit well with things like a kick, others sit better for a bass. Others better designed for a vocal or acoustic etc. Doesn't mean another eq can't be used to get the same or very similar result, just that one eq gets there faster. Supposedly!
At the end of all that though, I swear I can still here something different going on between some eqs, so who knows!!! I do think the what I said above about the quad curve is true. Correct me if I am wrong. But comparing some cheaper eqs to the quad really does sound different. At the end of the day, whatever works works!
Pultec emulations are just nuts. They do something to the bass that I can't get with any other eq. Not even close. So thick and punchy. But hey, maybe it's just a simple saturator and harmonic exciter that does it alongside a reqular eq! Don't know. All I know is it sounds good instantly with a tweak of a button, so that's good enough for me! No need to go screwing round with 3 different plugs to get the same result in just one button move.