Believe me a non-autotuned version would sour you more.
I was going for a disenchanted female indifferent girl next door sound so I plucked a 19 year old from our church to do it who demonstrated grand indifference in her natural voice during "Long Black Train"
done more times then they should at church with her mom and sister. Before she could say "no way creep", I offered her 100.00 which is standard fair from me for vocal services rendered per song. I know her mom and family so after
months they came over and we did three takes without coaching (pestering) her. When they left I reviewed the tracks and didn't remember her being so pitchy while recording. Like I would have
demanded better anyway. So I went too wild on vibrato (v-vocal) and she sang "Wonder why" 3 times like she didn't get the modulation so I Melodyned it best I could and also cut off a vocal phrase a tad in the first verse.
So, yeah.
Thanks for listening.