Hi all, I'm learning z3ta+ 2 and am trying to learn the modulation matrix. I have setup a simple patch with a saw wave. I'm trying to use the modwheel to start from the original pitch of a note and go up an octave. In the modulation matrix I have:
[Source: Osc 1] [Range: Full] [Control: Modwheel] [Destination: Osc 1 Pitch]
My issue is the mod wheel starts out
lower than the original value, completely silent, and works up to the original note at the TOP of the wheel.
... The modwheel only plays the original sound of the note at the top of the wheel. It does not go higher than that pitch. What I'm trying to do is have the original note start at the beginning of the wheel, and go up from there.
How can I correctly set this up to where the first note, at the bottom of the modwheel, is the original value of the parameter? Thanks for any help, sorry of this description is confusing but the way this is setup seems backwards from a traditional modwheel routing. Many thanks for any input.