well, this is a demo off of a cassette,
i made on a tascam 688 unit i no longer have.
all there is of the demo, is this stereo file.
i'll be doing this all over from scratch, rearrangement, new lyric, all that,
so i can start it anytime i want..
the thing i DON'T want,
is a standard rock groove, simply sped up...
i don't use 'tempo maps' when i record,
i write an 'arrangement', as i typically have it already complete in my head.
i then write a drum track complete, then start recording to it,
and edit it later, once everything has been written and recorded.
i could even do a fast paced latin percussion rhythm section,
even THAT would work..
but it's gotta be this fast, this idea of pushing the beat relentlessly... that's key.
as far as using live drums, i don't have anyone local in mind,
that have the chops to do it.
it's hard to find folks with enough intensity to match this groove,
that's why i haven't just asked for collab interest....
if anyone was bold enough..............