...precisely zero interest in CAL...
I had no interest in CAL either... until yesterday! After reading some instructions posted by Scook and D8, I created a pair of CAL files and bound keystrokes to each of them so that I can move the timeline back or forward by a single beat. I took me no longer than 5 minutes to set this up and I was really pleased with the new feature that I had just added. I'll certainly be looking out for more ways of using CAL in future.
On the other hand, I don't think that CAL editing will ever be carried out to such an extent by enough users to justify a new UI.
For me, the reason that I have no interest in it is that it's just too close to work; I have scripts coming out of my ears already (shell scripting, TCL, python, perl, vbscript...) No more, please!
I should put up a 'script free zone' sign on my door at home ;-)
I feel the urge to invent a hypothetical scenario as a means to demonstrate...
So let's say you have a big MIDI file of drums that you import into a track in Sonar. You plan to make the following changes:
o Split the file so that all instruments (note values) are on their own track.
o Transpose each note such that it plays the required/intended drum instrument.
o Make sure each instrument (note) is playing on its own MIDI channel.
o Apply partial quantisation to all notes (of certain values) that lie within|outside a certain distance from 8th note boundaries.
o Apply MIDI compression to all notes that lie outside of a range of velocity values
o Apply linear velocity adjustment to all instances of particular notes
o Apply swing to certain notes, which are within a certain distance to beats 2, 4 of each bar
o Insert some form of modulation (MIDI CC) for notes that conform to certain criteria (let's say panning for certain hihat hits, CC's to turn echoes on and off for particular snare hits, pitch-shift some cymbal hits, etc. etc.)
o Insert flange-hit notes for tom hits which occur at the start of a bar
o [insert your own ideas here]
How many user-edit operations, or CAL script invocations would be required to achieve the above?
This would be a one-button click operation in the Logical Editor of Cubase v2 for Atari (1990).