You're creating a dupstep track for Sounds of Blackness??? LOL!!! That's an odd combination to say the least.
Anyway, check UKF Dubstep Youtube channel. Hundres of dubstep songs there from some of the best of the genre. I will say this, it can be a time consuming process for someone not used to creating that type of music and Sonar is NOT a dubstep friendly program from my brief experience. There is a LOT of automation involved
(assuming you're creating your own sounds and not using samples) and that is one of Sonar's weaker areas. The broken copy/paste synth automation bug alone will be a pain in the a## and causes more work than necessary.
Also, the weird way Sonar reads out values on the automation envelopes is an issue since dupstep relies heavily on automating LFO's to sync w/ different note lengths based on the bpm. Sometimes it will give you the proper readouts like 1/8, 1/16, etc. Other times it will just give a percentage value. In the case of creating dubstep you will definitely prefer the former. Someone w/ more knowledge may know a solution for that one, but I haven't figured out the rhyme or reason to it yet.
Some good dubstep tools:
Massive (as mentioned)
Z3ta 2 - if you want some good starting presets that may save you some time check out the Mutant Rebellion & Revenge
(both on sale right now) and Xenos Deadly Dubtronica
(cheaper option) preset libraries in the Cake store which seem to be geared specifically to that genre.
Youtube - there are literally hundreds of vids and tutorials on how to create dubstep type sounds and tracks for a variety of different softsynths
- some good distortion/bitcrusher tools will come in handy (there are some good free ones out there)