Cheers Dub
I'd go with the traditionalists argument frankly, the cheesy dance and disco elements could come right down in the mix
For my own listening, i would agree, but i can see both sides of the equation. New genres tend to evolve at a rapid rate befor4e there is an established standard. Classic Rock sounds nothing like rock of the 50's or metal yet they are all accepted as rock. I'm sure purists had a thing to say about that at first. A little Wayne song has very little in common with Rapper's delight and are both somehow rap. If dubstep had remained as sparsely produced tests of the limits of sub-woofers, composed of 90% bass with a snare on the third note and the occasional movie sample, it would still be enjoyed almost exclusively by stoned British guys.
I like seeing new forms mutate, even if that mutation is not my personal cup of tea. Skrillex himself has stated in an interview how awesome it is that he can make a career out of something that would have once been dismissed as noise. As for me, give me some benga or Skream.