^ You're right, but you could say that regarding lots of people which it boils down to opinion. Classical pianists, Jazz pianists, Guitarists, etc. My theory rhetoric isn't any more trying to impress somebody then a 10 minute solo.
However, I get the feeling you think I mean, she should use all of this stuff immediately. I'm not saying that. I'm saying it's out there and here's what it is if she decides to use it.
And, you're dropping a list of what to use, too. It's not as in-depth and I'm not saying it doesn't impress me or that you're trying to.
All I did was explain and apply the techniques. Somehow the application part turned into trying to impress.
I'm not against taking things slow, but I am one of those persons who lays everything out on the table allowing you to pick up whatever amount at a time, hoping you eventually get all of it. I'm not trying to impress.
That to me is a cop out. I write like this. Most of you who've heard my tracks can identify me instantly (whether you like them or not). I'm not gonna "dial it down," so not to impress somebody.
I will explain why I write/analyze the way I do though:
1. I like the sense of beginning and ending (even if this doesn't happen)
CMaj9-A7b9-Dm7-G13b9-C (I-VI(V7/ii)-ii-V-I)
CMaj9-Dbdim7-Dm7-Db7#9-C (I-bII-ii-bII(subV/V)-I
CMaj9-A7#5b9-AbMaj9-G7b9-CMaj9 (I-VI(V7/ii)-bVI-V-I)
All three have a completeness to them.
Em7-Edim7-Dm7-E-C (iii-iiio-ii-III-I)
How are there three iiis in this progression? There's no "movement." However, they are subs which is why they do work, but that to me looks odd. [The III and iiio don't exist when not in the function context)
I don't mind analyzing in a simpler manner; however, you're just hearing it. you could say every composer who uses the techniques mentioned (whether composing or performing) are using such to impress people, but you aren't against the "if it sounds good, it is good" philosophy either.
You can stick more than one label for a note, chord or key. "He's trying to prove something by playing in seven sharps instead of five flats." Makes no difference if you're just hearing, but if you are seeing it, yes it does make a difference.
I'm merely explaining the what to use, how to use it and why to use it because people do ask. I never said, you have to use it.
I'm not upset and I still don't disagree with what you said because I do tend to overspeak, overemphasize which does lead to puzzlement. I'm used to such responses, but there are a few different ways to approach what Janet is trying to accomplish. Which route she takes is up to her. We can merely suggest which ones.