This is a super ambitious mix! You have a lot of elements going all at once, which is just fine! I can hear them all!
But in a plentiful mix, is often helpful to dry things up a tad. If everybody has stairwell reverb on them, x 6 things at once, it can get pretty washy.
Reverb is "seasoned to taste" but I'd start with the bass - do you have reverb on that? Something is adding a lot of boomy-ness to the below 100hz area.
The snare could use less reverb, and a little less on the vocals as well. that's just my seasoning :)
That being said, the fun comment is, it's a very fun song, and the performances, including the vocal, are all really quite good. Great energy.
Just for fun, you might make a "dry" version and see if you like it better. "Drain the Swamp!" I think somebody said once.