Alright, thanks for listening people. I know it wasn't an ideal 'shootout' in any way due to such different performances, but I think there is stuff to learn. Biggest one for me is this goes to show just how important the performance really is. The mic can add something, but at the end of the day, if you sing bad, it'll be bad. This really emphasises even those subtle changes in singing can make all the difference. Secondly, it seems the studio versions vs home versions aren't really that much different.Only Jimmy had a guess I think as to which was home and he got it wrong (he chose the $7000 mic as the cheap home recording!) I think that really shows a lot at home good home gear has become. Anywho, results:
Mic 1 - Condenser - Neumann M149 - Studio
Mic 2 - Dynamic - Shure SM7b - Studio (I assume it was an SM7b, but it could have been an SM7, not shure - like my pun there?)
Mic 3 - Tube Condenser - Rode K2 - Home (Performance was a bit iffy on this one and I think it sounded boxy - not sure if that was a combination of the tube and my acoustic treatment or what, but that's what I hear)
Mic 4 - Dynamic - SM58 - Home
Raw, I like the Neumann the most. I think it sounds like the most expensive mic. It sound the most detailed. But on my voice, the SM7 suited it better. I think in the mix the Neumann got masked and didn't fit in so well. It was lacking mids I thought and sat in the highs and lows with the rest of the other instruments. The SM7 punched out in the middle. I thought the K2 punched out in the middle a bit better than the Neumann too, but not so sure on the top end of it. It may be that I was just singing bad though. I had to try the SM58 following the resounding consensus for the SM7. I think they sound very similar. The SM7 sits a little higher in it's peak than the SM58. I don't know which I like more. But I think the differences between these would be quite easy to get with a bit of eq. But I don't think eq would work to get what these mics have if I used the other mics. They are just too far off.
My conclusion, I'm not going to worry about a studio, it doesn't seem worth it for the huge extra cost. I'll probably use a bit of the SM58 and K2 depending on the song or even section of the song. Maybe even double mic and blend if appropriate. I would have never even tried the SM58 if I didn't spend time in the studio so I'm glad that I did!
Little interesting facts for those who don't know, Bono from U2 regularly uses an SM58 in the studio (and many many others do too), and Michael Jackson regularly used an SM7 too, as well as a huge number of other people. Goes to show that cheap dynamics can give a pro result too. Whatever works, works.