I can click with my mouse and change it, as i said up top, but it won't automate those changes or save them in any way in the project. I know people do dubstep with sonar, esp with z3ta(+2), how? is my question... I've got a good wobble sound, I just need to be able to have all of the speed changes in the project
Are you wanting to automate the LFO speed slider (time in hz, I think) or the sync time setting (1/4 notes, 1/8 note triplets, etc)? You can create an automation envelope for either, an envelope for the sync time settings would be the most precise way to keep the wobbles and changes in wobble speed in time with the song.
To create an envelope, go to the edit filter for the z3ta+ track and choose automation>z3ta+, you'll have to hunt around the popout menus for the LFO sync parameter for whichever LFO you are using (z3ta+, like most high-powered synths, has a ton of automatable parameters). You'll then have to play around to find the envelope values that correspond to the correct sync time settings, if you're not familiar with envelopes and editing them, check the help files. You probably want to use the "Jump" segment shape for this purpose (discreet value changes).
Another way to do this would be to dispense with the z3ta+ LFO altogether and use the draw shape tool to draw an LFO-like automation envelope for the parameter you want to modulate directly (filter cutoff wobbling, for example). I know a lot of dubstep producers use this method in various DAWS, because it gives more precise control and conceptually takes the "wobble" out of the synth patch itself and makes it more part of the arrangement of the song. BTW, I just tested both of these in z3ta+ 1.5 and they both work fine, I imagine the functionality is about the same in v. 2
There are other ways to do this (as OQ says, you should be able to record automation directly as well).