So, after getting suggestions from this site and gleaning the internet I took another stab at this last night. I got MUCH better results. Here's what I did that worked in THIS case.
1) Selected the track in question
2) Used the tool HUD and changed the clip to Transients...this automatically turns on AudioSnap...I didn't originally know that which caused some confusion
3) Changed the average tempo to "From Project"
4) Changed the resolution to 1/16th notes...matches the notes in this section
5) Changed the offline rendering to Mix Advanced
6) Dragged the transients to fall on the beat of every 1/16...stretching the note each time. I didn't originally realize that the transients could be move without stretching so when I first did this I had a mixture of notes that were stretched via moving the transients and notes that weren't stretched...just the transient moved. Mixing the two this way originally caused most of my issues.
7) Bounced to clip
That worked pretty well. I don't have any pops or clicks but I do hear "something" different about the quality of the processed clip. It sounds slighly duller, however, it's barely noticeable. When mixed in with the rest of the project it's NOT noticeable at all. This worked for me.