Another thing you can use a send for is prefader effects. Usually prefader sends are used to send headphone feeds to artists. But a prefader SEND will stream the channel sound at the set level to a reverb despite bringing down the channel volume fader to nothing. So the "ghostly" reverbed sound will continue despite the orginial sound dissappearing.
JD, as far as your question of adding a Send as well as an Out to a bus - yes, that can be done but isn't usual.
Channel>Bus>Output Bus (which is tied directly to your hardware output)
Channel>Send>Bus>Output Bus (the Send has to be tied to the output bus via a send bus)
Sometimes it is clearer to track back your chain. If you want to hear it, the sound must be connected to your output Bus/Hardware. Every track channel must be connected to the Output bus to be heard. A track channel can go directly to the Output Bus, or to a bus or via a Send which then goes to a Send bus connected to the Output bus. (Send buses are automatically created when you insert a Send on a track channel)
As long as you make sure something you want to hear is connected to the Output bus, you are good to go. The rest is gravy. A send just lets you "tap" off the channel signal before it continues on its merry channel route to the output bus, giving you 2 separate signals (or more if you use more than one send).